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What’s Happening

November Power Patrol
November Power Patrol

11/18/14 Summit Trail Middle

TJH Green Team students looking over Power Patrol checklist in a classroom!

Our Beautiful Spring 2014 Garden...
Our Beautiful Spring 2014 Garden...

11/12/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

...thanks to Mrs. Running’s efforts!

Litter Patrol Recess Volunteers!
Litter Patrol Recess Volunteers!

11/06/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

Thanks for keeping Shadow Lake beautiful!

Power Down!
Power Down!

11/05/14 Glacier Park Elementary

Glacier Park GReen Team is busy spreading the word and encouraging students to "Take the Pledge."

Drink Pouch Recyclers
Drink Pouch Recyclers

10/30/14 Glacier Park Elementary

We recycle Capri sun pouches, lunchable continers, and chip bags in a effort to reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill.


10/24/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

Feed your worms: fruits, veggies, leaves, some crushed egg shells and dirt for grit, and add some shredded paper and water for a cozy home!

Student Leadership Team...
Student Leadership Team...

10/23/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

pledges to conserve energy at Shadow Lake!

Fall garden
Fall garden

10/21/14 Glacier Park Elementary

We planted fall garden this year at Glacier Park. This bed has rainbow chard. While planting the starts students noticed that even the roots were rainbow colored. All produce is donated to the M.V. Food bank.

Vertical Gardening
Vertical Gardening

10/21/14 Glacier Park Elementary

This year we tried vertical gardening. We use milk jugs to plant lettuce. The plants are doing great and it also keeps our crops away from the rabbit.

Turn out the lights labels
Turn out the lights labels

10/21/14 Glacier Park Elementary

Green team members label light switches with reminder sticker during our first energy audit.
